2024 Quarter 1

Global equity markets gained 8.1% during the quarter, led by a 10.4% rise in US large-cap stocks. Despite strong initial performances, markets retreated by 5.1% in early April amid rising US inflation and geopolitical tensions. In fixed income, the Barclays US Aggregate Index saw a 0.8% decline in Q1 and a 3.1% drop year-to-date.

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2023 Quarter 4
and Full Year

In 2023, equity markets soared, led by the tech sector, while asset-based lending emerged as a vital finance segment, underscoring a diverse performance in alternatives and private investments. Fixed income markets flourished amid declining interest rates, spotlighting high-yield bonds. Looking ahead, strategic asset allocation favors short-term government debt and private credit, amidst cautious optimism in equity markets due to economic and geopolitical uncertainties. This scenario sets a nuanced stage for investors, emphasizing a balanced approach towards navigating future investment landscapes.

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2023 Quarter 3

In Q3 2023, equity markets, represented by the ACWI Index, witnessed a decline of 3.4%. However, they have surged 11.2% YTD as of October 10, 2023. Major indexes like the S&P 500, MSCI EAFE, and MSCI Emerging Markets all experienced a downtrend between 3% to 4% in USD terms. The decline in US stocks was primarily attributed to the rise in longer-term bond yields. This surge was a result of robust economic data and the Federal Reserve's upward revision of its interest rate outlook for 2024. On the international front, equities fell due to the combination of increasing yields and weaker economic data from Europe and China.

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2023 Quarter 2

Global equity markets surged by 6.2% in Q2 2023, led by US stocks due to optimism in tech companies, decreased inflation, and positive economic data. However, international equities had a less impressive performance, while fixed-income markets experienced modest declines and hedge funds saw moderate gains. The forecast predicts declining interest rates over the next seven years, while caution is advised amid concerns over weakening manufacturing data, yield curve inversion, and highly bullish investor sentiment.

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2023 Quarter 1

Q1 2023 saw strong US employment and economic data, which led to a spike in US Treasury yields. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank on March 10th altered investor expectations regarding interest rate trajectory and economic growth. The equity market has rallied since the SVB news as investors cheered prospects for a sooner-than-expected end to rate hikes followed by possible pivots to interest rate cuts.

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