featured white paper
Risk Buckets and Risk Utilization
Asset-class weightings do not necessarily convey portfolios’ true underlying risk characteristics. Therefore, we believe Risk Buckets and Risk Budget Utilization are better frameworks to measure portfolio risk vs. expected return, and to better construct adaptable portfolios across various market environments.
Thinking Broadly About Exit Planning
Managing and optimizing various types of Exit transactions in the context of preparing for capital deployment to support your next phase of life.
How to Create, Organize and Coordinate the Ecosystem
Understand the key functions of Family Offices: which aspects are best suited to highly qualified third-party providers and which to dedicated staff. Some ways to think critically about directing and coordinating a family office network.
Typical Needs of Wealthy Investors
While each individual or family has a unique mix of goals and requirements, they frequently share a need for planning and investment expertise and resources, and other support. Forward-looking, wise management is the most commonly needed ingredient.
Nearing an Exit: Questions to Ask Yourself and Others
For those beginning to think about the sound management of wealth, possibly around an exit from a large investment, the following outlines some questions we
Strategic Asset Class Forecast Methodology (Oct 2022)
White paper on the methodology behind BCA’s 7-yr Capital Markets Assumptions. Updated as of October 2022, with respect to strategic asset class return forecasts.
US vs. EM Equities
Breaking down sources contributing to the valuation gap between US and Emerging Markets equities and analyzing investment implications
US vs Europe Equities
Breaking down sources contributing to the valuation gap between US and European equities and analyzing investment implications