We provide unbiased, unconditional advice and support on specific capital transactions

Our advice can apply to various circumstances – from helping to plan for and oversee the sale of shares in a publicly-traded company by an insider to advice on the outright disposition of a business interest or other assets in a private sale.

We provide unbiased, unconditional advice and support on specific capital transactions

Our advice can apply to various circumstances – from helping to plan for and oversee the sale of shares in a publicly-traded company by an insider to advice on the outright disposition of a business interest or other assets in a private sale.

Disposition of Concentrated Positions

We advise insiders of public companies regarding share disposition plans (“10b5-1 plans” in the U.S. or “ASDP plans” in Canada) for the phased sell-down of concentrated holdings. Setting price and time objectives are essential considerations for these plans. For privately-held businesses and assets, we advise on valuation, timing and structuring considerations to maximize proceeds.

Capital & Structuring for Private Investment Holdings

We advise on capital-raising needs and plans and the acquisition or sale of companies or assets our clients hold. This advice may address value and risk considerations, transaction alternatives and transaction structuring.

Direct Investments

Family Offices are often offered both direct and fund investment opportunities, so we work with our clients on the potential fit of these investments with their overall portfolios and needs. Where warranted, we help diligence and monitor these investments; in other instances, we can also politely decline such offers on their behalf.

Organization & Coordination of Transaction Execution Teams

In transactions involving private investments, we work alongside investment bankers and attorneys to ensure that our clients are well advised and that their interests are well-served.