We provide unconditional advice for our clients' families and their family offices

We integrate teams to achieve common objectives in collaboration with our clients and their family offices. We help our clients create structures to meet their legacy and charitable goals, optimize taxes and put in place resources to support ongoing administration of these activities.

We provide unconditional advice for our clients' families and their family offices

We integrate teams to achieve common objectives in collaboration with our clients and their family offices. We help our clients create structures to meet their legacy and charitable goals, optimize taxes and put in place resources to support ongoing administration of these activities.

Estate Planning & Trust Structure

We help clients define their inter-generational goals, key considerations when trust and estate attorneys design structures to meet such goals while maximizing tax efficiency. We manage assets held in trust structures to achieve specific investment goals while integrating them into the overall portfolio. We work with clients about communicating with and educating rising generations about wealth and its stewardship. When asked, we have served in various roles within trust structures.

Charitable Goals & Foundations

To implement their charitable goals, we help advise on optimal ways to transfer wealth to foundations. We manage portfolios for foundations to consistently meet their specific funding and distribution needs.

Tax Optimization

We work with our clients’ tax attorneys and accountants to guide new investments. This may include the choice of asset ownership (e.g., which entity or person) and selecting the most tax-efficient investment vehicle in which to invest (e.g., onshore or offshore) to minimize tax. We ensure accountants receive all investment information required while preparing tax returns and other filings.

Organizational Structure

We help clients put in place the resources they need to achieve their objectives and simplify their lives. This runs the gamut from helping our clients assemble a “virtual family office” to working hand-in-hand with professionals within fully built-out family offices.


Virtual Family Office

We help our clients establish Virtual Family Offices, building networks of outsourced engagements. Once established, we often help coordinate the agendas and work of attorneys, tax experts, accountants, bookkeepers and other professionals—working with existing relationships and introducing new ones from our network where needed.

In-House Family Offices
– a Continuum

As our clients grow, they often consider the benefits of in-house staff. Those roles typically begin with administrative functions and build from there, allowing our clients to hire full-time employees to carry out and/or coordinate activities as assets and complexity grow. As our clients begin to formulate such plans, we provide advice including illustrating what a Family Office structure could look like, defining specific roles for candidate searches and, when asked, interviewing these candidates.

For our clients with developed family offices, we collaborate with in-house staff and their outside advisors to achieve the objectives of our shared client, especially where our core investment advice touches on tax, legacy and charitable matters.

broad investment function

Outsourced Chief Investment Officer or Outsourced-CIO

broad investment function

Outsourced Chief Investment Officer or Outsourced-CIO

In a role sometimes labeled “Outsourced Chief Investment Officer” or “Outsourced-CIO,” we work closely with the Family Office, who we view as both our partner in serving the family and as a client in and of itself, to formulate an overall investment plan.  This includes defining investment objectives, incorporating risk appetite, and understanding and creating a discipline around forward-looking cash flows (sources and uses).  Looking across all asset classes, including private markets, we build an overall asset allocation plan. 

On that foundation, we formulate a strategy to guide our selection of specific investment strategies and managers and tax-optimized execution. Our role includes comprehensive performance and exposure reporting on all assets, regardless of their source. Our framework is dynamic – we plan for the asset allocation to evolve from a beginning state to a long-run target, taking into account and adjusting to market conditions over time. This evolution is especially true where clients start with a concentrated position, often the foundational source of wealth, and diversify over time.

Ultra-High-Net-Worth Investors: Preparing
for What's Ahead

Consider the future and how to make your wealth work on your behalf.

Understand the key functions of Family Offices: which aspects are best suited to highly qualified third-party providers and which to dedicated staff.  Some ways to think critically about directing and coordinating a family office network.

Ultra-High-Net-Worth Investors: Preparing
for What's Ahead

Consider the future and how to make your wealth work on your behalf.

Understand the key functions of Family Offices: which aspects are best suited to highly qualified third-party providers and which to dedicated staff.  Some ways to think critically about directing and coordinating a family office network.